Friday, 5 October 2012

The Downside to Being a Cat's Pet!

Photo by Diana Morrison 07-06-12

Help! Help! There's a riot going on downstairs! 

There is a pitiful squeaking, much growling and unsheathing of claws and feathers strewn all over my kitchen! I'm a prisoner in my own room!

Intrigued? (It's not that exciting.) Three of my four cats are squabbling over a bird that is, unfortunately still alive. I'm guessing from his possessive growling, that Mews caught it (his first successful hunt, other than a few hapless spiders, flies and moths,) and was going to give it to me as a present. I'm guessing also, that he was intercepted by matriarch, Kismet and her very vocal daughter, Mackerel on his way in - and now there is a stand-off!
I'm a bit concerned for Mews, he is such a softy and generally backs down if there is a confrontation - Kismet and Mackerel are much more streetwise, being semi-feral - I hope they don't hurt him - and whilst I don't really want his gift laid at my feet, I can't help but feel sorry for him if they do take it off him. I expect he was feeling quite proud of himself until they stole his thunder. So, why don't I go and sort it out, I hear you asking?

Photo by Diana Morrison 17-09-12

Well, to tell you the truth, I'm scared; scared of birds, scared of mice, rats, snakes (although there are none in Ireland!), spiders - you name it and I'm scared of it! If it were dead, there'd be no problem. I'd be able to scoop it up with a shovel and and throw it outside so that none of them could have it, but being such a coward, I am now condemned to sit, barricaded in my room and wait it out - and yes I know that it is horrible for the bird and I do feel guilty for its suffering but there is little I can do about it. 

Photo by Diana Morrison 09-11-11

Oh! It's gone quiet now and Mews has just left the building. I'll just creep down and see what is happening. ... 

*Update* - All three cats have disappeared, the bird has breathed its last, at least I hope so, I'm not brave enough to get up close to it yet, in case it makes a sudden move and gives me a heart attack and the kitchen is in chaos. I have shut the door so they can't get back in for a while and now I face the gruesome big clean up. 

Cats will be cats, and I love mine dearly, but it's times like this that I wish they hadn't chosen me as their pet!

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