Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Competitions and Rats!

Well that's it then! I've done it! I've just submitted my new short story to Short Story competition! OMG! I must admit I was very pleased with it - which, for me, is saying something. I am not very good at praising my own work. It's very difficult to hear your story in any other voice but your own - if you see what I mean, but I would be too shy to ask someone to read it aloud to me - in case it really did sound like an utter pile of shite! But The Lad read it and said it was "really good" which means he either genuinely liked it or he wanted something! The Significant Other read it and his immediate response was to ask a question about the ending, which I was thrilled about because obviously he was still thinking about the story after it had ended! He also said it was a nice piece of writing - never sure about the word "nice" though! And my lovely friend, gave me some useful feedback, said it was grand and was supportive, as ever. They do say that you should never ask opinions on your work from friends or family as they are likely to be biased and afraid of hurting your feelings - sometimes I just need my ego feeding!!! Fingers crossed for me - please!

There was a rat in a friend's garden today. It looked as though it was sunbathing. I was just helping out with a bit of weeding and was about to empty my bucket on the compost heap. I hate rats. I am also terrified of them. I dropped my bucket, having murmured a few choice expletives (in my shocked and distressed state - I'd never use language like that normally. Well not much anyway!) and rushed to my friend and The Significant Other, who happened to be there making a gate - all sweaty and panicky crying out "Rat! Rat!". They thought I'd gone a bit loopy, too much sunshine, perhaps! (We're not used to it!) My friend is like me, she hates them as well and it was left to the Significant Other to shoulder the shovel with which to smack it on the head and carry out the dastardly deed. He returned with the now lifeless but nonetheless, vile and intimidating creature balanced on the shovel looking very pleased with himself. I half expected him to drop it at my feet as a present as a cat might do. Thankfully, he didn't. I didn't go back to the weeding. We sat in the sun eating shortbread biscuits and drinking coffee whilst the deceased rat floated down the river to the sea!


  1. Well if it's the same story I just read, then you can believe what your friends and family have told you. If not, submit this one next! ;)

    1. Thank you Terri. It is the same story. I appreciate your comments and support and do send me samples of your own fabulous writing - pretty please x
