Friday, 14 September 2012

Mews and the Butterflies

Mr Mews
Photo by Diana Morrison 14-09-12

Not having a very productive day today. The computer is on a go-slow whilst the anti-virus is performing its scan and the words will not come. It's always a mistake going on line before I've completed the Morning Tale. But I needed to check for an email and of course, one thing led to another - oh, it doesn't help that my internet home page is FaceBook! The Bell Song from Lakmé came on the radio and I felt the need to share it on FB, which demanded a visit to YouTube and - well you know yourself, how it goes from there. So the tale about the mistress about to be jilted and the other one about the runaway husband running out of petrol on the way to Gretna Green never stood a chance. No matter, I'll leave it for today or maybe try again later. At least I can say I had a go. The screwed up bits of paper around my feet are testimony to that. I suppose I better pick them up in a minute!

I've also spent time, staring out of the window. It is a bright, blustery day in West Cork, and my Buddleia bush is in full bloom. The sweetly scented, lush purple flowers are swamped by a rabble of Red Admiral butterflies and Mr Mews is running around, completely beside himself with joy at having something live to chase. I smile to myself as he patiently positions himself in clumps of weeds, picks his moment, waggles his arse, pounces and...misses! They are too quick for him. I howl with laughter as he unexpectedly leaps into the air, paws flailing pathetically at his quarry, back-flips and lands once again, empty pawed. He played this futile game for half an hour or more - trying not to let them get the better of him. There's a lesson in that somewhere and I know that some time soon, he will present me with his catch - well unless he eats it first! 

Ha Ha - who needs TV when you have a cat not long out of kitten-hood!

Photo by Diana Morrison 14-09-12

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